
Monday, January 31, 2011

There's Always Someone Cooler Than You Oct. 29, 2010

There’s Always Someone Cooler Than You
I really thought I was over all the little  insecurities I felt when I was in high school. Back in the day, I always felt a little out of place talking to people who were prettier or more popular than me. It was like they just didn’t care what I was talking about. While at OSU, this problem became non-existent (because I was supa-cool). Now I’m in grad school, and BAM! here come my insecurities, rushing back  just after a few minutes of talking to some people in my cohort.
There is a definitely “cool/uncool” separation among the grad students (well as cool as any anthropology graduate student can get). Instead of being the calm, cool, and collected person I had evolved into as an undergrad, I turn into a babbling dork rambling about something from class trying to get the other kids to like me. I am rendered useless,  completely unable to form an interesting or intelligent sentence.
I only feel this way around people from the department. When I’m around non-anthropology people and I mention “archaeology,” I turn into something like this:
Or this

But around other anthropology grad students (especially the cultural kids),  I turn into some sort of mouth-breathing-dorky-lab-rat who lacks the social skills necessary to carry on a conversation and who ends up just trying too hard.

 OR maybe I am overreacting?

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