
Monday, January 31, 2011

Fair Weather Fans: A Discussion Oct. 19, 2010

Fair Weather Fans: A Discussion
Now that I have had a few days between last Saturday and me, I feel it’s time to discuss a topic near and dear to my heart: Fair Weather Fans. There is some debate about the exact definition of the Fair Weather Fan because they often get lumped with Bandwagoners. You be the judge.
As I have mentioned before, October is a great month for sports; However, with great sports come the boo-birds, the pessimists, the trash talkers, the fair weather fans, and a plethora of other obnoxious spectators….

In case you were not aware, The Cincinnati Reds made it to the playoffs for the first time in fifteen years this season.

I will be the first to admit that baseball is one of my least favorite sports (to watch on tv), right after golf. Was I excited that Cincy was in the playoffs? Yes. Does this make me a Fair Weather Fan? (By some people’s standards) Yes. I lived in southern Ohio for 11 years (and central Ohio for the last 4 1/2 years). My family went to Reds games all the time when I was young. As I grew up my interest in other sports grew, and I simply did not have the time, energy, or motivation to set aside hours and hours to watch baseball. So yes, some may call me a Fair Weather Fan. The simple fact that I never jumped ship nor changed teams is not enough. There is really nothing I can do to change their mind. So fuck ‘em.
I guess I have a different definition of a Fair Weather Fan. AND I hate to say it, but a lot of my friends fall under this definition…
This past Saturday was a hard one for any Buckeye out there. There is nothing worse than hearing the chants of “Over-rated” from a bunch of fucking Badgers. Logging onto Facebook, I was most disappointed in status updates from fellow “Buckeyes.” Instead of being upset by the loss and crying into their beers (like moi), they were talking shit about the team they supposedly supported. Those people are the true Fair Weather Fans. Upsets happen. It sucks. It’s how you deal with it that makes you a real fan. Me? I found solace in a few shots of Jager and watching UH beat Nevada. Others cried (I did that too). Some douche-bag “fans” decided to trash their own team. I get it. Everyone expresses disappointment differently, but it pisses off the other supporters to hear that kind of talk right after a loss. So why don’t you take off that Number 2 jersey before you start ripping into Terrell…Oh, I’m sorry. I was distracted by the photo of you in a sweater vest. What were you saying about the inadequacies “Tresselball”?…
Just shut the fuck up or start following another team. We don’t want you.

On a slightly related note:
There are teams out there that just suck year after year. When you are a fan of those teams you wear the jersey with pride and hope for the best. When you lose, you shake it off and pray for a miracle. You don’t switch to a dynasty team just so you can watch a Championship game. Really? You follow the Yankees, The Steelers, The Lakers, AND the Red Wings? …Go fuck yourself.
I feel like the Browns fans (all Cleveland teams, in general) understand this the best of any group of fans out there. They understand their team sucks, yet every year they have visions of Super Bowls rings dancing in their heads. They have learned to deal with the shittiness of their team. They might even joke about their team, but will fight to the death defending them to any other fan. I respect the teams and the fans, even if I don’t particularly like them. *cough* Who Dey *cough*

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