
Monday, January 31, 2011

Getting to Know You. Getting to Know All About You. Oct. 2, 2010

Getting to know you. Getting to know all about you…
I may be beating this dead horse, but things are a little different from my undergrad days in Columbus. Maybe it’s because I surrounded myself with people I actually liked. Maybe it’s a mid-west thing. I can’t explain it, but I seem to be sticking my foot in my mouth a lot lately. It seems like every time I make a comment about some stupid pop culture icon, I get the death stare:
Me: Oh man, another Katherine Heigl movie? Gee, I can’t wait to find out what happens in this one. Do you think she is going to end up falling in love with the male lead in this sure-to-be-cinematic-masterpiece like the rest of her amazing movies?
katherine heigl
Other Person: I love Katherine Heigl. She is such an amazing actress. <— Seriously not being sarcastic.
Me: (FUCKSOCKS) I mean …erm.. I thought Knocked Up was entertaining…. (Insert foot in mouth)
See what I mean? I can’t even complain about Top 40 pop songs lacking creativity and musicality without hurting some one’s fucking feelings. How am I supposed to survive? I tried holding it in, but I swear to god if I hear one more fucking Rihanna or Nickelback song I am going to explode into a fiery ball of rage…
Is this what it feels like to be a hipster? Oh God. What have I become?! Am I going to start growing ironic facial hair, wear scarves and hats that hang off my head?
I mean I used to judge people by their music and movie tastes for fun (you know, socially, like at parties and things), but now I can’t stop. As soon as someone tells me they like (insert random singer/band) I instantly form a not-so-nice opinion about them.
Ke$ha- Dumb Slut
Kanye- Douche-bag
Any band on an Apple commercial: Pretentious asshole
Back in the day, my friends and I could make fun of Twilight for hours. Now without my core of friends, I sound like a whining sack of bullshit. Or perhaps I am truly a bitch?… nah that can’t be right.

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