
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Dude... I Might be a Bro.

The newest thing to hit the bro-world is Broetry (Read "Impact." It's my personal fave.)  It's poetry, you know, for dudes. Truth.

The Jezzies over at Jezebel are not fans, to say the least; Nothing but snark as far as the eye can see. I just don't understand all the hate for all things bro. Sure the bros can be obnoxious, but not any more obnoxious than the hipsters peddling their poorly produced music and "ironic" clothing choices. As I was reading some of the broems, it hit me like a case of Natty at a frat party: I might be a bro.

The Bros and I have a lot of shared interests. Drinking beer, eating pizza, watching sports, playing beer pong, action movies, video games, etc. Although I may not talk about "banging bitches" or boobies, my friends and I have spent many an hour objectifying the shit out of the guys around us and on television. We have "lengthy" discussions, if you will. For those who didn't catch it, that was a penis joke.  So does liking these things make me a bro?

In general, I find the bros easier to approach at bars than non-bros. With bros, I just have to go up to them and say something about sports (usually a detailed explanation about why I think their team sucks balls). Boom! Instant conversation and perhaps a free drink or two. I enjoy sports. They enjoy sports. I think they are cute in that wholesome-home-grown-corn-fed-all-American boy sort of way. They think that I am cute in that alternative-pierced-tattooed-pixie-haircut-chubby-vegetarian girl sort of way. Everybody wins.

My usual day-to-day attire is jeans, a pair of flip flops, and some sports related t-shirt. My hair can easily morph into a faux-hawk with a little bit of wax. I can be pretty obnoxious awesome when I drink. I am overly competitive, and I back this up with a false bravado; I have been known to tell people to "suck my dick" on occasion. I keep a picture of The Shoe as my computer and phone wall paper ALL THE TIME. I will kick your ass in beer pong. I like fist-bumping and high-fiving. All of these things are common attributes of bros, right?  So, I think I might be a bro.

Except.... Maybe not.... I definitely have better taste in music than the common bro. Because really... fuck Dave Matthews Band.

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